US Stocks

OTC US Stocks: CFDs on US Stocks

Trading stocks or equities includes buying and selling the shares of publicly-traded companies from around the world such as Microsoft, Boeing or Pfizer. When individuals buy stocks or shares in these companies it defines the amount of interest a person holds in ownership in a corporation.

Unlike traditional stock trading, over the counter (OTC) trading on stocks, or contract for difference (CFDs) on stocks, are financial instruments that allow traders to invest and take advantage of both prices moving up (going long) or prices moving down (going short) without having to pay for owning the stock itself. The trade is performed over the counter (OTC) similar to trading FX, which means the trading is done directly between the two involved parties and not via central exchange market.

Advantages of CFDs on Stocks:

  • No middlemen
  • Efficient use of capital
  • Hedging other investments
  • No expiry dates
  • Profit potential in falling/raising market
  • High leverage
  • Free demo account,
  • Free news, charts and analysis

Why Trade OTC US Stocks with ICM?

ICM offers OTC trading on a variety of US stocks allowing you to speculate on the movement of a specific share price, without actually having ownership of the share in question. CFD trading of US stocks with ICM is speedy and straightforward but most importantly it removes the need to trade through a stock broker.

With a CFD contract, you are not trading per pip movement of the share price but you are buying or selling a fixed amount of CFDs which is comparable to a number of shares. It is important to remember no physical share transaction takes place during this process.

  • Fast execution
  • Efficient use of capital
  • Trade from PC & mobile
  • Hedging other investments
  • High leverage
  • Going long/short

ICM offers OTC trading on the following major US Stocks:


  • International Business Machines
  • American International Group
  • Microsoft Corporation
  • Walt Disney Company
  • General Electric Co
  • Caterpillar Inc.
  • 3M Company
  • Citigroup Inc.
  • Boeing Corp
  • Pfizer Inc.
  • Google
  • Apple
View Contract Specifications